Bad Politics in the United States of America

Bad Politics is a very interesting concept in the world today. In modern-day America many political pundits decry the “so called” bad politics in American politics. They claim that it is distasteful for politicians to get themselves so embroiled in other people’s petty political wars. I beg to disagree. Not long ago, I was having a conversation with an acquaintance who works in Washington D.C. about the current state of affairs in American politics and she correctly asked, “are we better off political wise, or do we suffer from bad politics?”

The simple truth is that in any stable democratic republic, any representative who breaks with the will of the people will be voted out and no representative can serve for long if they are seen as obstructing the will of the people. However, with our archaic and corruptible government system in America and the lack of ethics that currently permeates our political culture; we indeed have bad politics. The only problem with this fact is that most people do not understand what bad politics actually is. If more people knew what it was all about; perhaps we could begin to stem the tides of corruption and political gridlock that have clouded our political system for too long.

One of the best things that came out of the recent congressional hearings on the IRS was the realization that our political system is rotten to the core. Most people in congress and the Senate and House and all levels of government in America really should take some time out and ask themselves why this is happening and what is wrong with the American political process and our political system in general. It is time for all elected officials in all levels of government to resign because they are unfit to continue to lead this country.

Unfortunately, we cannot simply wait around until enough voters come to a conclusion and then remove these bad apples. Until that time arises, it is up to each citizen to reject any politician who is unfit to lead through their own party’s platform. We must stand firm and make sure that any politician who leads our great nation is not only popular within their district but also with the rest of the world. A healthy dose of good politics is necessary to keep this great country strong and free of corruption in every sector of our society.

If we allow our representatives to continue their bad politics and resist the economic reforms that are necessary for our economy to grow, we will be rewarded later down the road. If they are not removed from office, the political poisons will continue to poison the minds of voters and we will not enjoy the prosperity that is necessary to keep our political systems functioning properly. As long as our elected officials continue to pass the blame, raise taxes, shut down agencies and waste our natural resources at will; we will continue to suffer the repercussions of their bad political decisions.

Of course, all elected officials are going to take a hit when the economic downturn hits but at least people will start paying attention again to politics and vote for honest leaders and less corruptible ones. Without honest politicians pushing for economic growth and tax cuts, things may get so bad that a military solution is necessary to unify the nation. Once the economy starts growing again, people will once again start paying attention to politics and hopefully give those in elected office what they deserve – positive results for our nation and good politics.

Sadly, many Republicans and some Democrats want to continue their bad politics and see only politics as one of the three major parties. In reality, politics is divided into three main categories; Democratic, Republican and Independent. While many believe that Republicans are more “moderate,” the record tells us otherwise. Many Republicans today are far too extreme in their politics and disregard the three party system, believing that it is divided right along party lines.

Regardless, of where you live in the United States of America, please consider all this and the fact that bad politics does not have a place in our beautiful country. We must elect honest leaders and remove from office those who do not understand our nation or those who cannot tell the difference between what is good for America and what is best for India. We need less politics in the United States of America. Consider this in 2021.

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